Getting Started With the Vector SDK

To make sure you get the best experience possible out of the SDK, please ensure you have followed the steps in the Initial Setup.

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  • You have completed the Installation steps, found here: Initial Setup

  • You have downloaded and extracted the example programs, found here: Downloads

  • The Vector companion app is not currently connected to Vector.

  • Vector is connected to the same network as your computer.

  • You can see Vector’s eyes on his screen.

Starting Up the SDK

On the computer, open Terminal (macOS/Linux) or Command Prompt (Windows) and type cd anki_vector_sdk_examples, where anki_vector_sdk_examples is the directory you extracted the examples into, and press Enter.

Example Program

First Steps - “Hello, World!”

Let’s test your new setup by running a very simple program. This program instructs Vector to say “Hello, World!” - a perfect way to introduce him and you to the world of programming.

The Program

  1. Run the program using the same Terminal (macOS/Linux) / Command Prompt (Windows) window mentioned above. First, change to the tutorials sub-directory:

    cd tutorials

Then, run the program.

  1. For macOS and Ubuntu 18.04 systems, type the following and press Enter:


The same can also be achieved with:

  1. For Windows systems, type the following and press Enter:

  2. For Ubuntu 16.04 systems, type the following and press Enter:

  1. If done correctly, Vector will say “Hello, World!”


If Vector does not perform as expected, look at the first Terminal window and make sure no error messages appeared. If you continue to have issues, please seek help in the Forums.


If you have more than one Vector configured on your device, you can pass the serial number of the Vector you want to use at the command line: ./ --serial {robot_serial_number}

You are now all set up to run Python programs on Vector.

Now that you have run your own Vector program, take a look at the rest of the Vector SDK and at the many other example programs to get more ideas.

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